Implement repeatable marketing motions to achieve predictable, scalable business results.

What is the change you seek to make?



To be published Q3 2024

Outcome Marketing is a playbook to demystify marketing for CEOs and marketing leaders of SMBs.
It provides a set of repeatable, predictable, scalable best practices to achieve significant business outcomes

“Marketing is not just the cool creative stuff. It is a set of systems and processes – and order matters.”

Neil Anderson, Co-Author
Outcome Marketing


How do I know if Outcome Marketing is for me?

Stop doing random acts of marketing and answer these questions:



Strategic Clarity: Are you certain about the strategic bets you're making?


Product-Market Alignment: Have you achieved product-market fit?


Brand Storytelling: Do you effectively communicate your brand's story?


Organizational Values: Is your mission, vision, and values distinctly established?


Market Segmentation: Have you accurately narrowed down your market segment?


Target Audience Understanding: Are your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and personas meticulously documented?


Market Positioning: Have you staked out a unique position in your market?


Brand Definition: Is your brand clearly and compellingly defined?



Team Alignment: Is there alignment within your team on mission and goals?


Financial Alignment: Does your budget reflect and support your business goals?


Performance Metrics:

a. Have you identified the key metrics to gauge your success?
b. Do these metrics sync with your overarching business goals?
c. Are they representative of your pivotal growth channels?
d. Is there a balanced mix of short-term and long-term metrics?



Alignment: Is your team aligned with your goals and budget?

Data Management: Is your prospect and customer data systematically organized?

Lead Management: How do you intend to nurture leads?


Marketing Questions - Operate


Technology & Automation:

a. Which tools form your MarTech stack?
b. Are your CRM and CSM systems effectively integrated?
c. Which processes have you decided to automate?


Team Structure & Understanding:

a. Who comprises your team?
b. How is your team structured and designed to operate?
c. Does everyone comprehend your Go-to-Market (GTM) motions?


Content & Messaging:

a. Do you have a consistent content creation process?
b. Which conversations are crucial for you to lead?
c. How do you plan to use different channels to communicate your story?
d. Does your website effectively narrate your story and generate leads?


Events & Engagement:

a. What's your overarching events strategy?
b. Are you participating in national industry events?
c. What about regional conferences or local customer gatherings?
d. How are you leveraging digital events?





Product Marketing Efficiency: Is your product marketing function optimized and effective?


Pricing Strategy: Have you developed a pricing model that's both consistent and compelling to your target audience?


Product Launch: Are your product launch capabilities detailed, repeatable, and robust?


Competitive Intelligence: Do you possess in-depth knowledge about your competitors' strategies and offerings?



Customer & Community Engagement: Have you established customer advocacy and community programs to bolster loyalty and referrals?


Partnership & Sales Acceleration: Do you operate a partner program designed to expedite your sales process?


Sales Enablement & Support:

  1. Is there a structured sales enablement process in place?
  2. What tools are supporting your sales enablement efforts?
  3. Do you conduct regular sales call reviews and training sessions?
  4. Are essential sales artifacts like sales decks, solution sheets, battle cards, and case studies readily available and updated?


What the Clients Say...

“Neil's strategic prowess was a game-changer for Polaris, driving the development and execution of a growth marketing strategy that reignited our progress. His adeptness at conveying the intangible value of our service-centric tech business was remarkable, effectively manifesting the value of our work product. After hitting a growth ceiling, his precise, results-oriented marketing campaigns not only reinvigorated our growth but also markedly increased the market visibility and value of our brand, culminating in the successful acquisition of Polaris by 3Cloud. We are profoundly grateful for Neil's direction in helping to chart our successful course.”

Chris_kadel Chris Kadel
Vice President

"For over a decade, Neil has been an integral part of Matrium's journey, steering our business strategy and marketing endeavors. Serving in various capacities—from Fractional VP of Business Strategy and Development to Chief Marketing Officer, an EOS implementer, and even a Director on our Board.
Neil's grasp on the nuances of business growth and his ability to harness them effectively is unmatched. His profound insight into the global technology sector, combined with his relentless energy and mastery of cutting-edge marketing strategies, has significantly propelled Matrium's revenue, profitability, and organisational maturity."

Brad_crismale Brad Crismale
Matrium Technologies


The 'Outcome Marketing' book, along with the vibrant community we're cultivating around it, is tailored for leaders of SMB companies. Our objective is simple: demystify marketing. We present you with a playbook, a step-by-step guide to implementing systems and processes that ensure consistent, positive business outcomes.

Are you a CEO, cautiously signing off on marketing expenses, questioning when—or even if—they'll reap rewards? Or perhaps a marketing professional weary of the hit-or-miss approach, of seemingly random acts of marketing? If you seek tangible results, this community is for you.

Outcome Marketing - Who?

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Outcome Marketing'—both the book and the budding community—is your playbook if you're at the helm of an SMB. Our cause is to take the mystery out of marketing. We lay out a clear roadmap of strategies and tactics, illuminating the oft-black art of marketing. Discover how establishing repeatable systems and processes can consistently yield positive business outcomes.


Our collective will bring together SMB leaders and marketing service providers, all contributing to a narrative crafted and curated by the authors of 'Outcome Marketing'.


Every time a CEO approves a marketing expense, there's a lingering uncertainty: when and if the investment will bear fruit, and just how bountiful the harvest might be. On the frontline, the corporate marketing stalwarts—CMOs, Marketing Directors, and Managers—are exhausted from navigating the labyrinth of trial and error, weary of seemingly aimless marketing efforts. For those who seek to make the change, 'Outcome Marketing' offers clarity in place of confusion.

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Outcome Marketing - How?


Our methodology is anchored in completeness and consistency. It's not about fleeting trends or momentary buzz. It's about repeatable strategies, tactics, systems, and processes—far beyond the flashy creativity often associated with 'Marketing'.


We meticulously dissect and understand the business, leveraging data-driven insights and offering proven strategies and tactic which can then be tailored to your unique needs. By harmonizing the art and science of marketing, we ensure that every step, from strategy inception to execution, is calibrated for maximum efficiency and impact.

So What?

Our North Star? The outcome. And the pinnacle of those outcomes is pipeline generation. When Marketing consistently and scalably fuels the pipeline, it sets off a chain reaction: Sales rejoices, the CEO is gratified, the board is content. But the ramifications extend even further. In a world saturated with messages and campaigns, businesses that operate with an outcome-oriented mindset stand apart, enjoying lasting customer relationships, superior brand resonance, and, ultimately, tangible business growth. With 'Outcome Marketing', not only is Marketing fulfilled but the entire organization celebrates the cascading victories.

Outcome Marketing - So what?



Certified StoryBrand Guide 

Frost & Sullivan


Best Practices Award
Services Differentiation Award




T2D3 Certified Practitioner



T2D3 Foundations Certified